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The core
analog sounds of
modular synthesizers
turn me on

To be honest, only after 4 years do I understand my modules and the principle of modular Synthesizers. When I first saw it my brain was racking with what the fuck is this? It was a wonderful voyage of discovery with many trips to “the” candy store for modular enthusiasts, Midi Amsterdam. With wide eyes and the enthusiastic heart of a super happy child, I won myself over in the store. I really spent a lot of holiday money on modules that I didn't understand, but they looked so hot in my case so I bought them. The core analog sounds of modular synthesizers turn me on, the limitless possibilities and the nerdiness of the patch cables create new connections in my brain that I didn't know existed. When I woke up one beautiful spring morning and that I had even dreamed modularly, I knew enough, this mother is here to stay!

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I go hard on improvisation and love to mix up well-worn paths and musical expectations.

My journey through the magical universe of Modular has only just begun and I'm still learning every day.

My interests lie somewhere between Sound Art, Experimental music, Techno, Breakbeat and Electro.

I call it New Electronic Avantgarde. 

The intuitive combination of different music styles and soundscapes come straight from my soul. I go hard on improvisation and love to mix up well-worn paths and musical expectations. Exploring unexpected paths that lead to mental and physical refreshment gets my blood flowing faster. I like to play with my belief that there is a whole fucking world behind the scientifically explainable vibrations that we perceive in our over-rated brains as sound waves.


SAW Modular

During Museum Night Rotterdam, Ososonic organized a special audio visual experience in Brutus, artist driven playground. Together with Saw Modular in one of the large raw spaces of Brutus. During this Long table session, Ososonic, Paul Tas (Error Instruments), Octodiode (France) improvised an audio visual landscape in which the visitors were immersed in a Random audio field that provided an almost ethereal experience and put the art in the space in a different perspective. It is special to notice how the atmosphere in the room, through analogue soundscapes, ambient sounds, the sound of electric tools and processed sounds from a violin, brought visitors into another world.

of life

A special collaboration between dancer and performer Iris van der Sar and

modular artist Ososonic. Where Iris seeks depth through “swirling”, Ososonnic does so with the help of Synthesis. The combination of the swirling movements and the inventive soundscapes takes you into depth and makes tangible what is not visible in an almost magical performance. The circles that Iris makes with her body are a derivative of the Mevlevi dervishes, which are also called "whirling dervishes". Iris has developed her own form that she calls swirling. In an almost magical way, through the repetitive vortices and her surrender to the soundscapes of Ososonic, she undergoes a visible physical and mental journey in which she rids herself of the earthly and enters into a deep spiritual connection with a higher consciousness.


Alter Moderna

Alter Moderna is the brainchild of the two sisters Jessica and Monique van Deursen. Over the past five years we have made a series of art projects through the medium of music based performances. All these shows have reflected on mankind's ever repeating struggle throughout history, as a species to overcome and control life and nature, instead of living from trust and surrender to a symbiosis with nature. Having written many compositions during those past five years. Ososonic entered into a collaboration with the two artists. In addition to composing two tracks for their new album.

of the heart

During the Hartstocht Festival I took visitors on a sound journey

through the hidden chambers of the heart. An improvisation with modular and sounds that I had recorded on the festival site the night before. My intention was to give the visitors a different atmosphere after two satiating days of house and techno beats. A kind of inner harmony that creates more space has been created to further experience the course of the festival. I used sample slicing and LFO modulation to work with the analog sounds from my case.

Art & Technology Days

Together with the video and sound artists and performers of CELL Performance Art, we took over the Kunsthal Auditorium during Art & Technology. Together with students from TU Delft and the Willem de Kooning Academy, we spent three days building CELL_00,

an interactive installation at the intersection of digital media, electronic music, audiovisual performance, video art, technology and design.

The Great Heath

Ososonic is a Rotterdam modular artist who works with modular synthesizers, field recording and sample slicing. After performing as a DJ for more than 25 years, there came a time when he was looking for more depth and new challenges. Less than three months later he came into contact with the magical world of modular synthesizers. The infinite possibilities and the deep analogue sounds trigger his creative mind and would 

Curated by Alexander Klose
at Brutus  


Petromelancholia explores the enormous consequences of a life beyond oil, the magnitude of which many do not yet realize. In contrast to the many exhibitions that sing doomsday scenarios or kick open doors about the climate crisis, Petromelancholia reflects on the legacy of the oil era and the new meaning that this past will irrevocably acquire. What has oil brought us, both materially and especially culturally, and what could disappear or change? Such a complex phenomenon only comes to fruition if there is room for different perspectives. Art is the 'master discipline' when it comes to anticipating and navigating change. That is why Petromelancholia, curated by Alexander Klose (Beauty of Oil research group), brings together 32 contemporary artists from different cultural backgrounds and generations.

Ososonic composed a analog sound work for this in which he mainly took the mechanical sounds

of chains and engines as his main source of inspiration.

Experimental Techno

Ososonic is a Rotterdam modular artist who works with modular synthesizers, field recording and sample slicing. After performing as a DJ for more than 25 years, there came a time when he was looking for more depth and new challenges. Less than three months later he came into contact with the magical world of modular synthesizers. The infinite possibilities and the deep analogue sounds trigger his creative mind and would 

Experimental DJ performance
Wild Summer Of Art / North Sea Round Town 

Wild Summer of Art takes place in Brutus; the complex with various work and exhibition spaces in the Rotterdam Merwevierhaven area. The works are shown in all areas: from the corridors in the Ruins to the 12-meter-high Cathedral hall. For this retrospective exhibition, a total of 180 artists show an enormous diversity of disciplines and materials. Wild Summer of Art shows a carefully curated cross-section of the diversity in the Rotterdam art scene. 

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Biofeedback on Distortion    
Shapes in Space
at Neck of the woods

Dear Shapes in Space is a performance show aiming to visualize the unfolding of the future through performance, the body, and ephemeral media. Whether it’s a vision of the world in 50, 100, or 1,000 years from now, we aspire to bring these visions to life.

For this exhibition I developed a unique space within the exhibition in which I developed a sound work using sensors. These sensors measured the biofeedback from me and the plant. The measured signals were converted into random voltage that was converted into sound via the modular synthesizers. My research mainly focused on the influence/distortion of visitors on the signal and the influence it had on the soundscape.

studio session

Ososonic is a Rotterdam modular artist who works with modular synthesizers, field recording and sample slicing. After performing as a DJ for more than 25 years, there came a time when he was looking for more depth and new challenges. Less than three months later he came into contact with the magical world of modular synthesizers. The infinite possibilities and the deep analogue sounds trigger his creative mind and would 

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